WeatheRISE ATL Campaign

According to the City of Atlanta’s Office of Sustainability statement of work, the WeatheRISE ATL campaign aims to reduce the energy burden on households in Atlanta’s highest energy-burdened areas through energy efficiency retrofits. The benefits of this program include the preservation of naturally occurring affordable housing, a decrease in carbon emissions, improved health outcomes, and workforce development opportunities through the delivery of energy-efficient home environments.

The WeatheRISE ATL program takes place in the following three service components:

01Service Component

Outreach, Intake, Education, and Customer Service – Sustainable Georgia Futures

02Service Component

On-site delivery of Energy Efficiency Audits and Interventions – National Association Of Minority Contractors

03Service Component

Data Processing, Analysis and Reporting – Greenlink Analytics

Three community organizations, including Sustainable Georgia Futures, were selected to participate in the first phase of this historic weatherization program. In phase one, we’re canvassing with community ambassadors and volunteers in Atlanta’s highest energy-burdened communities. If you would like to canvass with us, click the link below to sign up as a volunteer:

Join us for the Unburden the Block Party!

What: We’re excited to invite you to a fantastic community event called ‘Unburden the Block’ party! It will be an incredible day filled with educational workshops, delicious food trucks, great music by local DJs, and fun activities for the kids. But that’s not all – we’ll also share some important information about our WeatheRISE ATL campaign, which is in partnership with the City of Atlanta. We would be honored to have you join us!